
I enjoyed May’s 50 Random Facts About Me entry so much that I’ve decided to do one for myself. Everyone should do it, it is really fun!

1. I grew up by the sea (almost, since my dad was half a sailor) but I’ve never donned a bikini. In fact, I never will – maybe, unless, you put a gun to my head.

2. I’m allergic to mushrooms. It makes me break out in rash everytime I eat them – even the random ones in my pasta. Sigh.

3. My childhood ambitions were in this order: Nurse (until I found out the sight of blood scares me), teacher (until I found out kids are so annoying) and writer (don’t ask).

4. My adult ambitions are: Tourist, cartoon character and tai tai (in no particular order).

5. I’m not a fan of chocolates, or anything sweet. I eat them to make myself feel better on a lousy day, mostly. I have soft spots for brownies and cheese cakes though.

6. I have never laughed at somebody for being bigger because I think it’s really rude, and hurting – I also almost never use the word “fat”, unless absolutely necessary.

7. Privately, I swear alot. Like, alot. The one person who’s ever seen me swear out loud is probably Mr L.

8. I’m terrified of dentists. I don’t know where I got the courage from to do my braces.

9. I’ve always thought of myself as pretty smart. I don’t know why – I’ve never had people coming up to me and say: hey, I think you’re really smart! But still, I maintain that I’m a pretty smart person. Haha.

10. I cannot read a map to save my life. I am really bad with directions. I can lose my bearings anywhere, even in JE, where I grew up in for the past 23 years.

11. I don’t care of if people say I’m short. I kind of like petite.

12. I am super paranoid. I worry about almost everything. It’s on my New Year Resolution list every year: Learn to take things easy.

13. I found from a guy friend that he used to have a crush on me, but gave up later because I worry too much for his liking.

14. Instead of getting annoyed, more than often, I get amused at the way people misspell my name: Jerry, Gerri, Kerry, Sherry, Cherrie, Cheery (I like this one! Has a very happy feel to it!).

15. I only know how to converse in English and Cantonese until I turned 17 and got into Poly.

16. Soyabean milk cures my gastric pains immediately! Works better than any pills.

17. I’m terribly superstitious. I don’t swim during the seventh month, I always knock on hotel doors or press the doorbell before I step in, I run away when I spot a black cat in my path, I almost never wear red because my horoscope clashes badly with it, I never sleep in front of a mirror – I’ve got more, but you don’t want to know.

18. I love a man in glasses! – but I guess everyone knows that already. I also love a man who speaks Cantonese.

19. I fall in love really easily, but there was only one guy I’ve imagined marrying.

20. The first thing I consider before buying a pair of shoes, is if I could run in them – and God knows why, because I don’t run.

21. I don’t drink milk, don’t eat bean curd and garlic and I absolutely hate durians.

22. I also don’t cook.

23. I can do sums in my head really fast.

24. My idea of death is falling into a deep, bottomless pit. And you just keep falling. That’s why I’m terrified of death.

25. I am very anal about listening to other people’s music or music I don’t like.

26. When I was around 8-10, I once ate too much of chao kuay tiao and threw up non-stop after that. I never touched chao kuay tiao again.

27. I can buy multiple pieces of the same clothing/shoes/bags in different colours if I like the piece very much.

28. I used to think that there is somebody sitting inside a cassette tape, and he/she sings everytime I press the play button on my player.

29. I also used to believe that those dramas screened on television are real people with real lives, and I might just be a character to somebody else’s tv drama.

30. My mother used to bring me and my sister to the library every weekend and we’ll lug 20 over books back to read. I think my mother did a great thing for us.

31. I didn’t know how to pronounce the word “bolognaise” until last year.

32. I wished all men dressed in suits for work.

33. I need to sleep at least 10 hours a day. If not, I get really cranky.

34. I get extremely irritated when people send me official emails in broken English (bad vocabulary, bad grammar, spelling errors.. etc). Use the dictionary check for God’s sake!!

35. According to my late grandmother, I will get married at the age of 24.

36. I have really bad colour coordination, which is why most times, I only dress in solid, primary colours.

37. I’m terrified of paper cuts, because when I was young, I once plunged my hand into a bag of freshly cut waste paper and it came out all bloody. I guess I never got over it.

38. The first book that ever made me cry was “Bridge of Terebithia’.

39. It irritates the hell out of me when people pronounce Porche as “por-sh“. It’s “por-sheh“, no?

40. The sound of styroform makes me cringe like mad.

41. I played first the cornet, then the trumpet for 9 years.

42. I’m mildly claustrophobic. I freak out totally if I’m stuck in a lift or being left alone in a locked room for too long.

43. I almost drowned when I was about 9 or 10. Some stupid kid was playing with me and pulled me under the water. It was my dad who saved me, but I still love swimming.

44. Swimming is the only sport I do.

45. I don’t like clowns, and dolls. I think they’re really creepy.

46. I hate beer. But I love wines – chinese, red, white..I love them all.

47. I love people in branded, plastic, black geeky glasses.

48. The first album I ever bought was Nicholas Tse’s. I still *heart* him.

49. I love airplane food. I love how it’s all nicely packed and how they come in trays…the entire package.

50. I have trouble remembering birthdays. The only birthdays I remember are my immediate family’s, PY’s, PQ’s, Mae’s, Vin’s (’cause it came after PQ’s) and Sams’ (’cause it came before mine) and Ron’s (cause it came a little after Xmas).

One Response to “50 RANDOM FACTS ABOUT ME”

  1. 1 Elizabeth Ryan

    Porche is actually pronnounced as “por-sh”. It’s not “por-sheh” I know that for a fact! My cousin used to work for Porche and its pronounced “por-sh”

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